
Sunday 15 December 2013

Week 13 - Prepare the Proposal Report Part3

Week 13 : 9th - 15th Dec

  • Study the assessment for Proposal Report
  • Finish the report before the due date on Friday (13th Dec)

In finishing the report, the format of the Proposal Report have been followed. After last two weeks in preparing the report, finally the report completed. The report have been submitted to the supervisor on the Friday, 13th December at around 4 pm.

Week 12 - Prepare the Proposal Report Part2

Week 12 : 2th - 8th Dec


  • Study the assessment for Proposal Report
  • Finish the report before the due date on week 13
  • Do more research for references 


For this week, I am focusing in the Literature Review and Material & Methodology parts for my report. 
In the Literature Review part,defines the theoretical study and the recent study from the journal or any other relevant sources. The related sources that i did for my report as follow:

  • Rakesh Chandra Kumar, Md. Saddam Khan, Dinesh Kumar,Rajesh Birua,SarmisthaMondal5, ManasKr.Parai, Obstacle Avoiding Robot – A Promising One, April 2013

  • DeBoer, J., King, K., Perkusich, M., et al. “Senior Design Project Proposal for Tigertron Control System”, December 2010.

  • SugYug Choi and Jang Myung Lee, “Applications of Moving Windows Technique to Autonomous Vehicle Navigation,” Image and Vision Computing, vol. 24 no. 2, pp. 120-130, 2006.

with all these researches, I finally complete my Literature Review part as picture below

For the Material & Methodology part, the analysis for hardware and study have to be relevant to the objectives of the report. The material and the methodology have to support the scope of the studies. The contents of my Material & Methodology as follow:

Week 11 - Prepare the Proposal Report Part1

Week 11 : 25th - 1th Dec


  • Study the assessment for Proposal Report
  • Finish the report before the due date on week 13
  • Do more research for references 


Here is the assessment for the report
In this week, I am trying to complete two part which are Abstract and the Introduction. 

For the Abstract part, is about the research, scope of study, the methodology to be employed and the expected findings.  While for the Introduction part, the contents should have are the research background and the overview of research study and the problem  statement. 


After do a lot of research, here is my content of the Abstract and Introduction parts. 

Week 10 - Preparation for Presentation Proposal FYP Part 2 (cont)

Week 10 : 18th - 24th Nov


Completing the assessment criteria for the presentation.
Prepare the slide for the presentation.


Comparison between IR and Ultra-Sonic Sensors:

Ultra-Sonic Sensor
-time of flight distance measurement 
-longer range than IR
-accurate distance of obstacle
IR Sensor
-angle (parallax) distance measurement
-shorter range than ultra-sonic sensor
-affected by sunlight
-affected by color of object.(dark)

i. Sensor part
Ultra-sonic sensors

ii.Control board part
Arduino Uno Controller

iii.Movement part
Servo Motor
iv.Application part
Vacuum Cleaner

  • The Obstacle Avoiding Robot is able to produce the basic movements using two motors, that develop the robot with very good intelligence which is capable to sense the obstacle and avoid it between the path.
  • —Producing the code of the Arduino Controller as the brain of the robot which make the smooth movement.
  • —By using the robot, the daily work for human is more simpler.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Week 9 - Preparation for Presentation Proposal FYP Part 1

Week 9 : 11th - 17th Nov


  1. Completing the assessment criteria for the presentation.
  2. Prepare the slide for the presentation. 

The assessment criteria are:

After did research, here the contents of my project proposal slide. 

  • In today’s world robotic is fast growing and interesting field. This is because it easy to modified. 
  • Therefore I decided to work on robotic field, and design something which will make human life simpler in day today aspect.
  • In this project, I proposed to design a robot, “i-vacuum robot” by using obstacle avoiding robot’s concept.
  • This robot has sufficient intelligence to cover the maximum area of provided space. It has a ultra-sonic sensor which are used to sense the obstacles coming in between the path of robot. It will move in particular direction and avoid the obstacle which is coming in its path.
Problem Statement:
  • Nowadays people too busy of their work and not enough time for housekeeping. With this idea, people can do the housekeeping without guidance.
  • Robotic is a part of advancement of technology, with using the robots, it makes human life much simpler.
  • To develop an avoidance behaviors program for a robot that consists of legs that employs the motors.
  • To explore the Arduino Uno Controller as the brain for the robot that controls the movement.
  • To explore the interfacing of Ultra-Sonic sensor with Arduino Controller
Significant of Study:
  • The word robotics is widely used to define a engineering’s field that covers the mimicking of various human characteristics.
  • It must be able to perform certain tasks that is set for it.
  • The desired task must be achieved within some given limitations.
Scope and Limitation:
  • The project uses Arduino Uno Controller as the controlling element. It uses Ultra-Sonic sensors circuitry. When the Obstacle comes in path of robot, the ultra-sonic sensor detect the obstacle and decides to avoid by taking left or right turn.
  • If the sensor detect no obstacle present in it path so it goes straight until any obstacle is detected. 
Ultra-Sonic Sensor
  • An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves by sending out a sound wave at a specific frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back.

Week 8 - Block Diagram & Flowchart

Week 8 : 4th - 10th Nov


  1. Understand about the project's functionality.
  2. Recognise the input and output of the project.

From the diagram flowchart above, the robot will always check the signal to initialising the port. If the signal have received when the obstacle detected, it will set the robot's direction to left or right. Until then, it will go forward direction. 

Diagram above show the block diagram of the project. The sensor will be as the input project that will give signal to the controller. Then the controller will decide to go left or right direction by giving signal to motor drive and the left and right motor as the output of the project.


From the flowchart and the block diagram above, we can see more clearly of the project movement. The input as the sensor, that will give the signal to the controller to make the motor go left or right direction as the output. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Week 7 - Review of Arduino 1.0.exe Part2

Week 7 : 28th - 3th Nov

  1. Review the example of Arduino.exe.
  2. Understanding every coding of the examples

The picture show that the led blinking. The coding of blinking have been download to my Arduino Uno board. 

To download any coding to Arduino Controller, here the steps that have to folow

 Click the √ symbol. Then it will compiling the coding and check whether the code. Any error of the code will be display at the black screen.

When the compiling finish, it will display as the picture above.

2. Download

To download the coding, click the (->) symbol. Wait for the device to downloading. After the process finish, it will display as picture below. 

Now the coding have been download to the Arduino Uno board. 

Week 6 - Review of Arduino 1.0.exe Part1

Week 6 : 21th - 27th Oct

  1. Review the example of Arduino.exe.
  2. Understanding every coding of the examples.
  1. Try to understanding the basics and simple examples of the Arduino coding.
  2. Here is the simple Blink's coding from the example of the Arduino.

From the example of coding, we can see every command have their own comment. With that comment after the command, we can understand how the coding's flow to make the blinking led. 

Week 5 - Arduino Uno's Software Programming

Week 5 : 7th - 13th Oct

  1. Reviews of the Arduino Uno's Software Programming
  2. Studying and understanding the basic examples of the Arduino coding. 

The programing of the Arduino can be download here The software is freeware.

The Arduino 1.0.exe have more example that can be view. 

Week 4 - Arduino Uno Overview

Week 4 : 30th - 6th Oct


  1. Understand about the Arduino Uno Controller.
  2. Investigate about the pin out of the Arduino Uno Controller.
  3. Recognise the input and output pin of the Arduino Uno board.

From the picture above are the pin-out of the Arduino Uno that i used for the main controller of my Final Year Project. The supply for the controller is around 7-12V DC. The board have 28 pin-out. All the pin-out for the board we can see at the picture above 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Week 3 - Arduino Uno

Week 3 : 23rd - 29th July


  1. Get the Arduino Uno controller.
  2. Overview the Arduino Uno controller.


  1. Get information from student Medical Electronics that Sir Hisyam from Medical Section have provided the Arduino Controller.
  2. Met Sir Hisyam and asked him if he willing sell the remained Arduino Board. With the great offered from him, the Arduino Board finally gained. 

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Week 2 - Submission of the Project's Title

Week 2 : 17th - 22nd Sept

  1. Confirm the title before the due date 28th July.
  2. Get more information about Arduino Uno controller.
  1. Discussed with Supervisor about the title. The Obstacle Avoiding Robot by using Arduino controller was selected as the title of the project.
  2. Madam Julie gave simple briefing about the Arduino Uno controller. We were discussed the project's description.
The project's Idea:
  1. Use Arduino Uno as the main controller. Adding features that can make the project more to commercial. 
  2. The idea that given for the Avoiding Robot is vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner can clean the whole place by itself. Anything that block against it, it will avoid by itself and continue to clean.

Week 1 - Introduction

Week 1 : 9th - 15th September

  1. Briefing about the FYP
  2. Find the Supervisor
  1. Planning the title of the FYP. Research about the project by surfing and get information from friends.
  2. Seeking the suitable Supervisor. Met Madam Julie and convince she about the ideas.
  3. Discussed the title with the Supervisor. Get advised from Madam Julie by using Arduino Uno as the controller of the project.

From this activity, students know what they should do to achieve the main objective of final year project before they go through to the next procedures which is to prepare log book/blog, presentation and final report.


With the briefing, student will start planning for the Final Year Project. Otherwise, student get highlighted some of important date to completed all the task in perfectly.