
Friday, 2 May 2014

Week 11 - Wireless Camera Installation Part 2

Week 11 :  21st - 27th Apr


  • Studying set-up on wireless camera

Here the continue of the previous procedure how to set-up the wireless camera

Step 5. Go to Network, go to WLAN. Click on the circle for Enable Wireless Connection. It shows all the available wireless networks near the camera. You should see the SSID of your wireless network.
You may want to pay attention about the Signal and Encryption for your wireless network. Click on the circle in front of the SSID of your wireless network to connect.
Once you click on the Connect button, its SSID, Authentication/Encryption will be copied to below table.

Delete all the * in the field of WPA Pre-Shared Key. Enter your WPA pre-shared key of your wireless network. Please note the pre-shared key is case-sensitive (‘A’ is different than ‘a’). So please enter the security key carefully. Then press “Apply”. 
There is no any message after you click on “Apply”. The screen seems intact. This is normal. If your wireless network uses WEP encryption, enter your WEP password repeatedly in WEP Key1, WEP Key2,WEP Key3, WEP Key4. Then press “Apply” button.

Step 6. Get to the command prompt. Use a command called “ping” to ping the IP address of the camera.

Please note the “-t” at the end of the command. It will do continuously ping until you press Ctrl + C. The result is like this.

Step 7. Unplug the Ethernet cable from the wireless camera. The wireless LED on the front of the camera turns on and flashes.

If you see replies from the camera, Congratulations, the camera is attached to your wireless network successfully. Press Ctrl + C to stop the PING command. Enter “exit” hit Enter to close the command prompt. Go to IE http://IP_address_of_Camera and you should be able to see the camera. Now you can move the wireless camera to a desired spot with its power adapter. Just power it on, the camera will connect to your wireless network successfully.

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